What if I told you that everything you have always known as “normal’ was an illusion? What if I said that we’ve all been living in a matrix…that the way the world truly operates has been hidden behind a veil for centuries while those who operate the world systems depend on us being pacified and lulled to sleep in order for their systems to continue working?
Would you even know what I’m talking about?
Would you call me a “conspiracy theorist” and tell me to go put on my tinfoil hat?
It wouldn’t matter to me if you did. I’m after truth, not approval.
Once you’ve had a peek behind the veil, you can’t ever see the world with the same eyes that you once did. Most will refuse to look. Some will surrender to their cognitive dissonnance and stay on the path of least resistance because it’s too uncomfortable to think that there are certain people in control of most of the world’s institutions (including church organizations) who actually want to control and/or destroy us.
Until you are willing to accept that the systems that govern and influence our every day lives are part of a much larger, darker system (a system of systems), you will return to the narrative you’ve always believed because your mind won’t accept what has become so increasingly obvious.
It is this system of systems, set up by mankind, and inspired by a much darker influence, that will eventually lead to mankind’s own destruction. Don’t live in fear, however, because the system of systems has no real power, and God almighty, in His perfect wisdom, grace, and mercy, has provided the solution to that which plagues us.
Staging the Scene
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts…
– William Shakespeare
It seems with each natural disaster or tragic event, references to the end of the world are made on social media platforms. If you ask the average Joe walking down the street, even someone who doesn’t really believe in the supernatural, what they think about the state of the world right now, you’re likely to hear words like “Biblical” or “end times”. There’s something in the air right now that is palpable – a tension between what we have always understood as “normal life” and the possibility that there are those who are forcefully and purposefully driving humanity off a cliff.
There are wars and rumors of wars, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, diseases, drones, mysterious lights, and any number of other events that could conceivably wipe us out…at least that’s what we’re told. It appears that the events unfolding before us now are as predicted in the book of Revelation by the apostle John 2000 years ago. Surely, these must be the end of days, right? The times seem to be more evil now than ever before, do they not?
I would submit to you that the times aren’t any more evil now than they have been over the past 4000 years. Times have always been evil ever since Cain killed his brother, Abel. Mankind has been corrupted by the fall. No, what we are seeing and experiencing now is the exposure of the evil that has been oppresssing humanity right under our noses for milennia. On social media and on mainstream media sources, we are being shown what the ruling class is truly like. There’s a purpose in everything we’re being exposed to on mainstream media and on alternate channels. I’ll dig more into that in part 2: The Dragon Behind the Woman, but for now, suffice it to say that while I do believe we are close to the end of days, the events recorded in the book of Revelation were not entirely representative of a specific end-times generation. Many of the events in John’s writings have been repeating over and over for 2000 years.
Please allow me to pull back the curtain and expose what’s been going on in the shadows for millenia.
The Cast
Most people, even some believers, don’t understand that the book of Revelation wasn’t just a telling of future events through the vision of the Apostle John, it was a great unveiling of what is really happening in the world – past, present, and future.
Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. The name written on her forehead was a mystery:
Just what is it we are experiencing in this world? Why do the times feel so desperately evil? Whether a believer in the Bible or not, we have all been under the influence of the whore of Babylon, mentioned in Revelation 17 & 18.
Who is this “whore of babylon”?
The whore of Babylon is not a person or some demonic entity yet to come, but a metaphor for the systems that mankind has set up to dominate all life and set themselves up as gods. The men and women who set up these systems desire to acquire for themselves, all the power, riches, and pleasure they could ever want at the expense of those of us who are below them. For these elites, the ends always justify the means. They don’t care how many of the masses must suffer and die as long as they get what they want. Their corruption goes far deeper than selling military intelligence or political favors for money. There is something much darker lurking beneath the surface-level criminal activity.
Those in power fear losing control of the commoners more than anything, because it would mean the end of their reign and the potential of prison sentences or even execution for treason and crimes against humanity. Worse than that, if they can’t control the populace through state-run media, they risk being exposed for the sick, twisted degenerates they really are. Just like the unveiling of the fraudulent wizard in the Wizard of Oz, once the curtain is pulled back on their illusions, their true intentions will be exposed.
Who are these people in power?
There are the people we see everyday in the news who are the face of the system of systems; former presidents, current senators and representatives, parliament members, prime ministers, heads of giant transnational corporations like Black Rock, even leaders and members of the World Economic Forum. We know their names and have heard them tell us exactly what they’re about, but they aren’t really the ones calling the shots.
It’s easy to blame them for all the world’s problems, but they are marionettes being controlled by the puppet masters. You want to know who is really behind the system of systems? Pay attention to the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-lateral Commission, the Cosmos Club, the Club of Rome, the Council of 9, the Council of 13, and more. You’ll see many names that you’re unfamiliar with, but some that you’re very familiar with. There are, according to CIA documentation, an estimated 13 primary bloodlines that have deamed themselves the bearers of the light. Some have passed their depraved beliefs down for many hundreds of years. The bloodlines disseminate their decrees and methods down to lesser bloodlines who do the same until it’s filtered down to the ones who do the dirty work. They’re the ones you see on the news and read about online while the puppet masters stay in the shadows.
While the bloodlines have set themselves up as gods, they all serve a darker master than money. Once the curtain gets pulled back, you aren’t just going to see one man standing there pulling levers like in the Wizard of Oz, you will see multiple layers of control and some very dark, disturbing secrets.
Man’s lust for power, riches, and pleasure
The same temptations that Satan used on Jesus as described in Matthew 4, are the same temptations he has used on mankind since paradise was lost after the fall. Power, fame, wealth, pleasure, security…all the things that mankind is naturally attuned to are whispered to us day and night by every influence imagineable. Our hearts are prone to wander, and so we listen intently when the offer is made.
Give a man some power and money and he’ll thirst for more. Give him more and he’ll be willing to kill to keep it. This is why those that belong to an established ruling class will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who tries to tear their empire down. They don’t believe in an afterlife, so if there’s nothing beyond this life, they must make themselves gods while they are here, and then pass their god-hood on to their bloodlines.
Most of those who have fallen prey to these temptations never realize that they have been imprisoned.
The legendary band, The Eagles, wrote a song about the emptiness of pursuing fame, riches, and pleasure and the ensuing self-destruction that inevitably occurs from the pursuit. Perhaps you’ve heard of the song, “Hotel California”? Growing up, I was told this song was about suicide. It turns out that it had nothing to do with suicide. Glenn Frey was inspired by a John Fowles novel called The Magus, which follows this familiar story arc. Don Henley agreed that it’s a cautionary tale about the self-destructive nature of chasing the carrot of fame and fortune and living a life of greed and hedonism.
Mirrors on the ceiling, the pink champagne on iceAnd she said, “We are all just prisoners here of our own device”And in the master’s chambers, they gathered for the feastThey stab it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the beastLast thing I remember, I was running for the doorI had to find the passage back to the place I was before“Relax, ” said the night man, “We are programmed to receiveYou can check out any time you like, but you can never leave”
What they intrinsically felt and what they likely observed during their rise to fame, was that what we have all been sold – this dream of fame, power, and money – is actually a trap to enslave us. Those who have chased the rabbit down the hole have found an empty void, yet they can’t stop lusting for more.
Isn’t the whore of Babylon supposed to appear in the end times?
Yes, but it’s been here all along.
John’s visions while exiled on the Isle of Patmos were not just prophecies of the end of days, it was a great unveiling of the spirit realm and the battle taking place between God and Satan (Hebrew for “the adversary” or “accuser”), with mankind in the middle. Much of the symbology used is representative of figures, governments, and events that have taken place and have yet to take place. These themes repeat themselves over and over again. For example, while there will be one main anti-Christ in the future, there have been many anti-Christ figures in history. Many of the tribulations from the scrolls written about in chapters 5 & 6 have been echoed in prior eras and have been repeated multiple times in varying ways. Think of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. that Jesus referred to in Matthew 24 as one of those echoes.
John used imagery that would have been familiar to his audience at the time, but would also have protected himself and his readers from being seen as critical of the Roman Empire, since the Romans would have reviewed his letter before sending it on its way. “The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.” Rev 17:9. This was a reference to the city of Rome, which was physically built on seven hills. Remember that John was writing to the 7 churches mentioned in chapters 1-3 who were all living under the oppressive rule of Rome. They all understood John’s writings according to their own frame of reference. Revelation was written to Christians in the early church, living under persecution, to take heart and stand firm to the end, because they knew that the King of Kings would soon return and reign.
Just as it was in the days of the Roman Empire, those in power have been using systems of control to dominate those of us who are considered “commoners”. The allure of self-importance and being part of an elite class of humans is like a siren’s call – wooing men and women in toward their own destruction. It is all an illusion, created by the dragon himself. The whore of Babylon is the tool by which he controls and destroys mankind.
Part II coming soon.